Wednesday, March 23, 2011

when i was your age

often, when i observe the youth i work with i think to myself "that would have never happened when i was your age..." and you know what, a lot of the times i'm right. here are a few specific things that would not have had the opportunity to be a part of my adolescent/teenage life:
beiber fever
gas strikes
school uniforms
facebook stalking
identity theft
(I could go on for a while)
i think often that i would love to be a teen again, then i think about it agian. some of the things that are common today leave me shocked and appalled. i couldn't hack it as a teenager. there are too many distractions, perils, and connections. i would be in a constant state of sensory overload and most likely would be a terror for my parents.
i'm thankful that i am of a simpler time...a time when:
michael jackson was the undisputed king of pop
bangs were stylish...not the sound a gun makes
vanilla ice did not flip houses
screech was not a porn star
hybrid what?
columbine scared the poop out of everyone
the jetson's was a possibility
malls were all indoors
riding a bike with a helmet was optional (but a good idea)
booster seat graduation happened at 4 y.o.
the heartland series was standard morning programing
the mickey mouse club was cool
mouseketeer britney had no children
m&m's melted in your mouth not in your hands (and they came in 2 flavors only and did not rap)
the list goes on...
i hope you, like me, will enjoy remembering the simplicity of your youth and i also hope you will join the coalition to bring some things back. have family game night, eat dinner together at the table, make up dances to steller MJ tunes, listen to britney's first album, and go a whole night without a text message. you may just enjoy it.