Tuesday, May 24, 2011

i vote summer break...

starting now.
it is only after becoming a legit grown-up that i am accutely aware of the fact that i didn't know what i had til it was gone. summer break was a beautiful thing.
i think i should write a bill and send it to congress stating that all full time employees should get summers off. no strings attached. just take a couple of months to prepare for the coming year. pick veggies from a garden. clear your mind. go on vacation. get an icee at weigels every day they are on sale for 69 cents. basically, it would be a perfect situation.
as all the schools finish up the year and all the college students return to their hometowns i am green with envy. i want to waste some time without being judged. i want people to think that i work so hard that it makes sense for me to sleep everyday til noon. i want to go to the pool on my bike with snacks in my backpack and sunscreen caked on my face. i think i basically want to be 12 again. i mean, maybe us moldy oldies have a thing or two to learn from kids...they seem to have this in the bag.
so may you hop in the lake then wait way to long to shower. may you get a uv safe tan. may you rock flip flop feet more often than not. may you sleep with a lightning bug nightlight. and may you call in sick tomorrow...i hear it's supposed to be beautiful.