Sunday, June 27, 2010

i'm as good once as i ever was

welp, irony is a real pain in the buttocks. i have a birthday-i mean anniversary- and i reflect on where i've been and how far i've come and decide that i am a wiser better person for all my experiences. FALSE. i'm still a real piece of work sometimes.
see i have these friends, sisters really (thank you KD for being a great thing), who have the ability to make me want to act like a total goober. i feel the need to resort to my former bonehead self in order to bring the buckets of fun. well...way to go old fart sara.
i like to think that toby keith has the ability to really speak to people's hearts. i mean songs like "who's your daddy" and "i wanna talk about me" really have changed my life. no. however, old toby really did hit the nail on the head with the loaded lyrics "i'm not as good as i once was, but i'm as good once as i ever was." i chose to live like toby. i was convinced that while i may not be able to live up to the old title "club sara" i could sure bring it for a few hours.
it is this myth that i would like to speak to. i am not able to bring it. i am not 21 anymore. and more importantly like an old car i take a little more effort to repair. one night with the girls (and no it is not their fault i'm a giant boob) was equal to 2 days of recovery. not just because i was too big for my britches but for several reasons.
1. i stayed up past 10 p.m. and WOWZERS that is a nightmare.
2. i got to enjoy a little secondhand smoke which my eyes are still crying over.
3. i overextended my social routine. it's tiring talking to so many people.
4. i still had to be up early (because i'm 100 years old and i just happen to be up with the sunrise).
however, even with it's hardships i had a hoot and a holler. nope...i could not go back to college and keep up. i am not really sure how i managed to be a student, socialite, sorority member, and gainful employee for 5.5 years while i maintained disfunctional behavior. BUT i'm as good once as i ever was; i will just need a biscuit, tylenol, entire afternoon in the pool, and a coke the size of my face.
all of this to say: man i love my friends and seeing their faces and having a time to be former verson of ourselves makes me love them more.


  1. Maybe, just maybe we can hang out in the coming weeks! If not, I'll certainly see you when it's football time in Tennessee and we can be big, old, orange attired boobs together! (Okay. I'm officially LOL-ing at that thought.)

  2. haha Carolyn, I HOPE we do get to see each other soon. it is always too long between visits. and as a last (and pretty fun resort) I will be happy to be old and orange with you!
    love you both!!
