Saturday, August 28, 2010

we were like peas and carrots...

had you asked me when i was a kid, teenager, or even about 2 months ago i would have NEVER admitted to being anything like my younger sister. just for reference:
i wear dark jeans with a standard bootcut bottom.
she wears neon purple denim that is so tight legged i can see her knee cap.
i have a standard and fairly boring haircut with just the right amount of natural looking low and highlights.
she has long locks with a trendy blue color gracing the top.
i have a nissan xterra that gets regular baths and has no "flair" on the outside.
she drives a ford truck that has hit everything in knoxville and has a sticker to cover every emotion or promote every band since 2001.
i love and only watch csi:ny.
she only watches csi (the original in vegas).
i am short and stout. yep, top and bottom heavy.
she is tall and perfectly proportioned. (thus the skinny jeans)
i could really go on forever. and ever. but i don't want to. so here's a visual to help you wrap your mind around this polar opposite sibling syndrome.
this is me working at church camp

this is laura going to work

in all honesty, other than our parents, we don't have that much in common. but somehow i find that even with all our differences we are sometimes like peanut butter and jelly, milk and cookies, coke and cherry. way different, true. but most people like the two together. they work out ok.
that's what i'm learning about my little sister. she doesn't look, act, or sound like me...BUT when we hang out it is usually an alright time. we laugh at similar jokes, situations, blah blah. we both love stories. we both can break a sweat lip syncing to journey (seperate ways usually gets the best response). we both love pauley shore and think that he is terribly tallented. we both like peas with mashed potatoes. the aspca commercials make us mad. and i've never seen either of us say no to ice cream.
do we get along? sometimes. do we have similar goals? nope. do we both have the stellar personality that i was blessed with? not really. BUT we both love hockey. that's common enough ground to enjoy each other's company...if i do say so myself.
had you asked me before, i would have said we were scary different. i would have said she's the skinny one that looks like a native american. i would have said she is the one who yells a lot. i would have said you got lucky when you met me rather than my stinking sister. BUT not so much now. i find myself defending her dumb times. asking for her music so i can update my playlists for free. arguing with mom on her behalf. battling her at wii baseball and not punching her in the throat when she's a punk. and i even find myself paying for her dinner so she can keep her money.
if aging is responsible for this epiphany than i am scared to know what else i will discover. i could be wrong about other things and start to change how i function. i mean it happened this time.
nope, i doubt it.

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