Sunday, March 25, 2012

now you sir are a rare bird

so i recently went to have my car serviced. you know the routine oil change, tire rotation, alignment, brake inspection...the standard 2 hour activity. well, as i walk into the waiting area (complete with a gumball and runts machine) i notice that there is not an empty seat in the house. bummer.
why were so many people getting oil changes on this particular day? the answer is this...there weren't all that many people. however, when there is limited seating it fills up fast...especially when people are rude. much to my astonishment as i was standing in the open area near the bathrooms and taking a survey of the room i observed one man on his ipad taking up two seats (one for his butt and one for his bag), another man with a baby taking two seats (one for he and the baby and one for the carrier), and another man taking up two seats (one for his butt and one as a desk). a room full of men (and one sweet little me) and not a one of them cared that they had left a female standing by the bathroom. now, where i come from, that is unacceptable.
just as i was about to take my place in the middle of the room to preach about chilavry and common decency one little who in the corner looked up from his book. the youngest man in the room stood up. he abruptly moved and called across the room for me. he not only offered his seat, but he offered an apology as well! what?! he apologized for not offering a seat sooner and noted that he was embarassed he waited so long. (honestly it wasn't long at all but his production was just so kind i hated to interrupt him).
as the youngest man in the room insisted that i sit in his seat every other man in the room squirmed. bags and computers were cleared out of seats in rapid fashion...too little too late.
now, i believe in women's rights. i believe that women can do anything they want to do. i believe that women are strong and capable. i believe that i am no less valuable than any man. however, i also believe in being a gentleman and likewise, a lady.
the youngest male in the room set a rather pointed example. the youngest male in the room thought it mattered how he treated women. the youngest male in the room showed up all the other curmudgens with one swift move. and the only female in the room was so appreciative she just nearly invited him to dinner.
so here's to the guys who are willing to stand for a girl...thank you. here's to the guys who still know the value of being a's always in style. here's to the guys who plan to raise their sons to be respectful...their mommas will be so proud. and here's to the guy who gave me a seat...that little move made you the most attractive male in the room.

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